StreamMaster Settings Reference
This table outlines the StreamMaster settings, including the setting name, English display name, description, and default value for easy reference.
Setting Key | Display Name | Description | Default Value |
AdminPassword |
Admin Password | Password for the admin user. | (empty) |
AdminUserName |
Admin Username | Username for the admin user. | (empty) |
ArtworkSize |
Artwork Size | Default size for artwork. | Medium |
AuthenticationMethod |
Method | Authentication Method | None |
AutoSetEPG |
Auto Set EPG | Automatically set EPG (Electronic Program Guide). | false |
BackupEnabled |
Enable Backups | Enable or disable system backups. | true |
BackupInterval |
Interval | Backup interval in hours. | 4 |
BackupVersionsToKeep |
Versions | Number of backup versions to keep before overwriting older backups. | 18 |
CleanURLs |
No URLs in Logs | Remove URLs from being logged. | true |
ClientReadTimeOutSeconds |
Client Read Timeout | Timeout in seconds for client reads. | 10 |
ClientUserAgent |
Client User Agent | User agent string for the client. | VLC/3.0.20-git LibVLC/3.0.20-git |
DBBatchSize |
DB Batch Size | Number of items to process per database batch. | 100 |
DefaultCommandProfileName |
Default Command Profile | Default command profile for streaming. | Default |
DefaultCompression |
Default Compression | Default compression for M3U/EPG files. | gz |
DefaultOutputProfileName |
Default Output Profile | Default output profile for streaming. | Default |
DeviceID |
ALL HDHR ID | HDHR Device ID and capability ID. | device1 |
DummyRegex |
Dummy Regex | Regex to set EPG to dummy if it matches the channel EPG. | (no tvg-id) |
EnableSSL |
Enable SSL | Enable SSL for secure connections. | false |
FFMPegExecutable |
FFMPeg Executable | Path or name of the FFMPeg executable. | ffmpeg |
FFProbeExecutable |
FFProbe Executable | Path or name of the FFProbe executable. | ffprobe |
GlobalStreamLimit |
Global Stream Limit | Limit for custom streams that do not belong to an M3U playlist. | 1 |
IconCacheExpirationDays |
Icon Cache Expiration Days | Number of days before the icon cache expires. | 7 |
LogoCache |
Cache Logos | Cache logos locally to speed up access. | None |
M3U8OutPutProfile |
Default M3U8 Output Profile | Profile to use when the source is M3U8. | SMFFMPEG |
MaxConcurrentDownloads |
Max Concurrent Downloads | Maximum number of concurrent downloads allowed. | 8 |
MaxConnectRetry |
Connection Retry Limit | Maximum number of retries for receiving data from the source stream. | 20 |
MaxConnectRetryTimeMS |
Retry Timeout in MS | Timeout for each connection retry, in milliseconds. | 200 |
MaxLogFileSizeMB |
Max Log Size | Maximum size of log files in MB. | 1 |
MaxLogFiles |
Max Log Files | Maximum number of log files to keep. | 10 |
MaxStreamReStart |
Max Stream Restarts | Maximum number of times a stream will automatically restart. | 3 |
MaxSubscribedLineups |
Max Subscribed Lineups | Maximum allowed subscribed lineups. | 4 |
NameRegex |
Name Blacklist | Blacklist patterns using regex. | (empty list) |
PrettyEPG |
Format EPG output | Formats the EPG for better readability. | false |
ReadTimeOutMs |
Read Timeout (ms) | Timeout in milliseconds for reading data. | 0 |
ShowClientHostNames |
Show Client Hostnames | Display client hostnames in the status panel. | false |
ShowIntros |
Show Intros | Show intros never, once at the beginning, or always. | None |
ShowMessageVideos |
Show Message Videos | Show videos with message content. | false |
SSLCertPassword |
SSL Certificate Password | Password for the SSL certificate. | (empty) |
SSLCertPath |
SSL Certificate Path | File path for the SSL certificate. | (empty) |
ShutDownDelay |
Shutdown Delay (ms) | Delay in milliseconds for shutting down streams after clients stop watching. | 1000 |
StreamStartTimeoutMs |
Stream Start Timeout (ms) | Timeout in milliseconds for starting streams. | 0 |
UrlBase |
URL Base | Base URL for the application. | (empty) |
UiFolder |
UI Folder | Directory path for UI resources. | wwwroot |
VideoStreamAlwaysUseEPGLogo |
Always use EPG Logo | Always use the EPG logo for video streams. | true |
This table provides an organized view of each setting in StreamMaster, ordered alphabetically by Setting Key