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StreamMaster Settings Reference

This table outlines the StreamMaster settings, including the setting name, English display name, description, and default value for easy reference.

Setting Key Display Name Description Default Value
AdminPassword Admin Password Password for the admin user. (empty)
AdminUserName Admin Username Username for the admin user. (empty)
ArtworkSize Artwork Size Default size for artwork. Medium
AuthenticationMethod Method Authentication Method None
AutoSetEPG Auto Set EPG Automatically set EPG (Electronic Program Guide). false
BackupEnabled Enable Backups Enable or disable system backups. true
BackupInterval Interval Backup interval in hours. 4
BackupVersionsToKeep Versions Number of backup versions to keep before overwriting older backups. 18
CleanURLs No URLs in Logs Remove URLs from being logged. true
ClientReadTimeOutSeconds Client Read Timeout Timeout in seconds for client reads. 10
ClientUserAgent Client User Agent User agent string for the client. VLC/3.0.20-git LibVLC/3.0.20-git
DBBatchSize DB Batch Size Number of items to process per database batch. 100
DefaultCommandProfileName Default Command Profile Default command profile for streaming. Default
DefaultCompression Default Compression Default compression for M3U/EPG files. gz
DefaultOutputProfileName Default Output Profile Default output profile for streaming. Default
DeviceID ALL HDHR ID HDHR Device ID and capability ID. device1
DummyRegex Dummy Regex Regex to set EPG to dummy if it matches the channel EPG. (no tvg-id)
EnableSSL Enable SSL Enable SSL for secure connections. false
FFMPegExecutable FFMPeg Executable Path or name of the FFMPeg executable. ffmpeg
FFProbeExecutable FFProbe Executable Path or name of the FFProbe executable. ffprobe
GlobalStreamLimit Global Stream Limit Limit for custom streams that do not belong to an M3U playlist. 1
IconCacheExpirationDays Icon Cache Expiration Days Number of days before the icon cache expires. 7
LogoCache Cache Logos Cache logos locally to speed up access. None
M3U8OutPutProfile Default M3U8 Output Profile Profile to use when the source is M3U8. SMFFMPEG
MaxConcurrentDownloads Max Concurrent Downloads Maximum number of concurrent downloads allowed. 8
MaxConnectRetry Connection Retry Limit Maximum number of retries for receiving data from the source stream. 20
MaxConnectRetryTimeMS Retry Timeout in MS Timeout for each connection retry, in milliseconds. 200
MaxLogFileSizeMB Max Log Size Maximum size of log files in MB. 1
MaxLogFiles Max Log Files Maximum number of log files to keep. 10
MaxStreamReStart Max Stream Restarts Maximum number of times a stream will automatically restart. 3
MaxSubscribedLineups Max Subscribed Lineups Maximum allowed subscribed lineups. 4
NameRegex Name Blacklist Blacklist patterns using regex. (empty list)
PrettyEPG Format EPG output Formats the EPG for better readability. false
ReadTimeOutMs Read Timeout (ms) Timeout in milliseconds for reading data. 0
ShowClientHostNames Show Client Hostnames Display client hostnames in the status panel. false
ShowIntros Show Intros Show intros never, once at the beginning, or always. None
ShowMessageVideos Show Message Videos Show videos with message content. false
SSLCertPassword SSL Certificate Password Password for the SSL certificate. (empty)
SSLCertPath SSL Certificate Path File path for the SSL certificate. (empty)
ShutDownDelay Shutdown Delay (ms) Delay in milliseconds for shutting down streams after clients stop watching. 1000
StreamStartTimeoutMs Stream Start Timeout (ms) Timeout in milliseconds for starting streams. 0
UrlBase URL Base Base URL for the application. (empty)
UiFolder UI Folder Directory path for UI resources. wwwroot
VideoStreamAlwaysUseEPGLogo Always use EPG Logo Always use the EPG logo for video streams. true

This table provides an organized view of each setting in StreamMaster, ordered alphabetically by Setting Key.